1 Lasam: BVH’s Pioneering Green Building Excellence in Ipoh



The inaugural green building in Ipoh, pioneered by BVH, marks a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to community leadership. BVH’s dedication to sustainability is evident in 1 Lasam, the first GBI Platinum building in Perak, showcasing innovative features aligned with various Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

The construction of 1 Lasam reflects BVH’s industrial legacy, with carefully selected raw materials such as exposed concrete, fair-faced brick walls, and marble tabletops. Tan, the developer, emphasizes the achievement of sustainability goals, including good health and well-being, clean water and sanitization, affordable and clean energy, and responsible consumption and production.

Easi EMS – Energy Management System for Green Building Certification (GBI/GreenRE/LEED)

To enhance green building certification, BVH integrating Tanand’s Easi EMS with IAQ WELL/ASHAREA compliant CO² sensor & ventilation control system. Utilizing this advanced technology can contribute an additional 20-30 points for their green building certification requirements.

Tanand’s Easi EMS provides real-time and accurate data analysis regarding energy consumption. It utilizes simple yet comprehensive energy analytics dashboard to determine resource inefficiencies, monitor, measure & verify savings and GHG emissions tracking.

Commitment to Green Living

Despite challenges, such as constraints imposed by the adjacent army camp and disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 1 Lasam stands as a testament to BVH’s resilience and commitment to green living. The building’s design emphasizes natural ventilation, utilizing louvres to minimize reliance on air conditioning. BVH encourages occupants to embrace eco-friendly practices, reducing plastic waste through reusable containers and water bottles.

In conclusion, BVH’s 1 Lasam sets a precedent for green building initiatives in Ipoh, showcasing a harmonious blend of design, functionality, and sustainability. The integration of Tanand’s Easi EMS technology further enhances its green building certification potential.

Our esteemed client chose Tanand’s Easi EMS solution as a pivotal element in their green initiatives during project implementation. The decision underscores their commitment to environmental stewardship, utilizing advanced technology to enhance energy management and contribute to a sustainable future. Read more about their latest projects:

Discover more about our success stories in driving sustainability and helping clients save up to 30% on energy costs by visiting our website today.

>> Our Success Stories


The Role of IoT Technology in Optimizing Facilities Management: Features and Benefits Across Buildings


Facilities management is an essential aspect of any organization, responsible for ensuring that buildings are efficient, sustainable, and safe. A well-managed facility creates a comfortable and secure work environment for employees, which can have a positive impact on productivity and overall business success. As the workplace continues to evolve with new trends and innovative technologies, facilities management has adapted to support these changes.

One technology that has significantly impacted facilities management is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has quickly become a leading solution for improving facilities management and driving business growth. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of using IoT in facility management and how it can help businesses achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings.

The Basics of IoT: What You Need to Know

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects, devices, and machines equipped with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data with other devices over the internet. This technology empowers businesses to gather real-time data on their products, services, and operations, which can then be analyzed to identify patterns, insights, and opportunities for optimization. By leveraging IoT, it is possible to establish connections between devices or systems, simplifying work and adding convenience.

  • Sensors are responsible for collecting data on a range of variables, such as temperature, humidity, and motion.
  • Connectivity allows devices to share data with other devices and central systems.
  • Processing power enables devices to analyze and make sense of the data they collect.

3 Advantages of Adopting IoT for Facilities Management

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, businesses cannot afford to ignore the benefits of IoT technology. The integration of IoT-enabled devices and solutions has revolutionized facilities management across various sectors, from hospitality to aviation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the benefits of integrating IoT technology into your facility’s management solutions and explore how it can improve the overall management process.

  • Real-time data improves efficiency – IoT provides automated data collection, which allows facilities managers to collect relevant data in real time. This information helps to identify and rectify inefficient processes, leading to better capital planning and overall facility management. With real-time data, IoT-enabled building management tools provide added benefits to current maintenance efforts, enhancing their value further.
  • Enhanced building and data security – IoT offers both physical and digital security benefits for businesses. On the physical side, real-time alerts from IoT sensors provide early warnings of potential security threats, such as equipment malfunctions. From a digital standpoint, IoT-enabled smart buildings help protect against cyber-attacks and digital security breaches, safeguarding digital assets.
  • Energy savings through reduced wastage – IoT helps businesses reduce energy wastage, making it an eco-friendly solution for facilities management. Smart sensors provide real-time data insights that help identify areas of energy inefficiency. This data allows facilities managers to make informed decisions that reduce energy wastage, leading to significant financial savings in the long run.


To sum up, incorporation of IoT technology into facilities management solutions can significantly improve the efficiency and streamline the management process of buildings. As IoT technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it is expected to become an essential tool for facilities managers across various industries.

Take a look at our Easi HVAC (HVAC Optimizer) solution to discover its numerous features and benefits.
>> https://www.tanand.com.my/service/easi-hvac-hvac-optimizer/

The Importance of MHE or Forklift and Pedestrian Safety Systems: Use Cases and Benefits Across Industries


MHE (Material Handling Equipment) and forklifts are commonly used in a wide range of industries, from warehousing and manufacturing to construction and retail. While these machines are essential for efficient material handling, they also pose a significant risk to pedestrian safety in the workplace. In fact, according to OSHA, forklifts are one of the most frequently cited workplace hazards, and pedestrian accidents involving forklifts can result in serious injury or even death.

To mitigate this risk, many companies are investing in MHE and forklift pedestrian safety systems, such as IoT sensors, alarms, and cameras. These systems are designed to alert forklift operators when pedestrians are nearby and help prevent collisions.

But the benefits of these safety systems go beyond just avoiding accidents. By implementing these systems, companies can also increase productivity by reducing downtime caused by accidents, lower insurance costs by improving safety records, and improve employee morale by creating a safer work environment.

The diverse use cases for MHE and forklift pedestrian safety systems:

Use Case 1: Warehouse Operations

In warehouses and distribution centers, MHEs or forklifts are used to transport heavy goods from one location to another. However, with pedestrians working alongside MHE or forklifts, the risk of accidents is high. To address this, safety systems such as warning lights and audible alarms can be installed on forklift to alert pedestrians of their presence. Additionally, IoT sensors can be placed at intersections and blind spots to detect pedestrians and activate warning signals on forklifts.

Use Case 2: Manufacturing Plants

In manufacturing plants, problems such as the risk of collision between MHEs or forklifts and operators, frequent speeding, and falling items occur from time to time.

To avoid collision, the manufacturer installed the AI anti-collision warning system with a display screen to monitor pedestrians moving back and forth. Hence, the system automatically sends warning signals to MHE or forklift operators and pedestrians.

In addition, MHE or forklift speed limiter can be equipped to provide some useful features to increase safety of drivers and pedestrians as well as improve driving behavior.

  • Adjustable speed limits: The speed limit can be changed depending on the requirements of the particular task or the operating environment.
  • Audible warning system: Warns the operator and workers of MHE or forklift’s existence, especially when it is turning or going backward.
  • Automatic speed reduction: Reduce the MHE or forklift’s speed automatically whenever it approaches an intersection or a walkway for pedestrians.
  • Emergency stop: In an accident or when a collision is about to occur, the MHE or forklift must be stopped immediately.
  • Data logging and reporting: Gather and report information about the MHE or forklift’s speed and movements so that it can be used to locate high-risk locations and enhance safety procedures.

Use Case 3: Retail Stores

Retail stores are considered one of the industries that are also equipped with MHEs or forklifts to move merchandise and products. Since the retail store is public, there will be many shoppers. It raises the danger of collisions with customers.

To minimize the risk of collision, the safety systems which are used in retail stores, include warning signs and barriers. Hence, forklifts and pedestrians can be separated by barriers, meanwhile the customers can be warned by warning signs when MHEs or forklifts are nearby. Additionally, MHEs or forklifts can have speed limiters added to lower the speed, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of collisions and injuries.

Use Case 4: Construction Sites

Another industry that usually adopts the MHEs or forklifts is construction sites to move the heavy materials such as concrete, steels, bricks, and others efficiently. However, the limited space makes it difficult for workers and MHEs or forklifts to move around, particularly since workplaces are frequently busy and chaotic. As a result, collision accidents occur because the MHE or forklift operators are unable to see the workers clearly.

To solve such problems, construction sites apply the combination of cameras and sensors that offer a 360-degree viewing capabilities as a security system for MHEs or forklifts. Thus, the camera provides a clear view of the work area where there is poor visibility or blind spots. Besides, the system also assists in detecting pedestrian surroundings and notify MHE or forklift users of potential dangers. It prevents equipment damage and worker injury.


In conclusion, MHE and forklift pedestrian safety systems are critical for protecting workers and preventing accidents in a variety of industries. By implementing these systems, companies can improve safety records, increase productivity, and create a safer work environment for their employees.