Malaysia Airport
  • Solution Tanand Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
  • Year Deployed 2020
  • Location Sepang, Selangor
  • Industry Airport

Business Situations

Malaysia Airports is one of the largest airport groups in the world. It rolled out a major washroom refurbishment programme which involves 225 washrooms and 600 cleaning staff.

They wish to improve worker’s efficiency and reduce too much of idling time. Supervisors are sent to regularly check the cleaners to ensure they are delivering the job. Malaysia Airport believes leveraging IoT can reduce manual supervision and supervisors can do value added in other areas.

Additionally, they believe IoT solution can assist with evaluating the performance of each cleaner’s contractors.

Solutions & Results

Tanand’s Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is implemented to improve cleaner management. Each cleaner carries an active RFID (BLE powered) tag, where battery and beacon are embedded into the tag. The time spent of each cleaner is tracked once he/she enters the designated zone or indoor space. Therefore, real-time movement and time spent trail for each cleaner is detectable.

With real-time insights and historical data, they are able to leverage this as a KPI monitoring tool to reward cleaners with the right attitude.

The solution comes with web/mobile app dashboard which can be accessed remotely. Instant real-time alert notification is sent when cleaners are idle for too long. Dynamic roster is also allowed for further manpower optimization.

Cleaner’s overall productivity has increased ever since and washroom complaint has reduced significantly.