1 Lasam: BVH’s Pioneering Green Building Excellence in Ipoh



The inaugural green building in Ipoh, pioneered by BVH, marks a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to community leadership. BVH’s dedication to sustainability is evident in 1 Lasam, the first GBI Platinum building in Perak, showcasing innovative features aligned with various Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

The construction of 1 Lasam reflects BVH’s industrial legacy, with carefully selected raw materials such as exposed concrete, fair-faced brick walls, and marble tabletops. Tan, the developer, emphasizes the achievement of sustainability goals, including good health and well-being, clean water and sanitization, affordable and clean energy, and responsible consumption and production.

Easi EMS – Energy Management System for Green Building Certification (GBI/GreenRE/LEED)

To enhance green building certification, BVH integrating Tanand’s Easi EMS with IAQ WELL/ASHAREA compliant CO² sensor & ventilation control system. Utilizing this advanced technology can contribute an additional 20-30 points for their green building certification requirements.

Tanand’s Easi EMS provides real-time and accurate data analysis regarding energy consumption. It utilizes simple yet comprehensive energy analytics dashboard to determine resource inefficiencies, monitor, measure & verify savings and GHG emissions tracking.

Commitment to Green Living

Despite challenges, such as constraints imposed by the adjacent army camp and disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 1 Lasam stands as a testament to BVH’s resilience and commitment to green living. The building’s design emphasizes natural ventilation, utilizing louvres to minimize reliance on air conditioning. BVH encourages occupants to embrace eco-friendly practices, reducing plastic waste through reusable containers and water bottles.

In conclusion, BVH’s 1 Lasam sets a precedent for green building initiatives in Ipoh, showcasing a harmonious blend of design, functionality, and sustainability. The integration of Tanand’s Easi EMS technology further enhances its green building certification potential.

Our esteemed client chose Tanand’s Easi EMS solution as a pivotal element in their green initiatives during project implementation. The decision underscores their commitment to environmental stewardship, utilizing advanced technology to enhance energy management and contribute to a sustainable future. Read more about their latest projects:

Discover more about our success stories in driving sustainability and helping clients save up to 30% on energy costs by visiting our website today.

>> Our Success Stories


Environmental Efficiency: Transforming Commercial Buildings with ML and AI-driven Data Analytics



The global call for environmental responsibility has reshaped industries, urging businesses to reevaluate their practices and minimize their ecological footprint. Among the sectors facing heightened scrutiny is the realm of commercial buildings, which have long been recognized as substantial contributors to energy consumption and environmental impact.

In this context, the fusion of Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics has emerged as a game-changer, offering the potential to revolutionize energy optimization and transform large commercial buildings into beacons of environmental efficiency. This blog post delves into the profound impact of ML and AI-driven data analytics on environmental sustainability in commercial buildings, shedding light on how this synergy is reshaping the future of energy consumption.

Understanding the Environmental Impact

Commercial buildings stand as emblematic symbols of urban development and economic growth. However, this growth comes at a cost—large energy consumption, emissions, and resource depletion. Heating, cooling, lighting, and electronic equipment contribute significantly to the carbon footprint of these buildings. As the world acknowledges the urgency of reducing energy consumption and emissions, commercial buildings find themselves at a pivotal juncture.

ML and AI-driven Data Analytics: A Transformative Solution

The convergence of ML, AI and data analytics is redefining the way we approach energy efficiency in commercial buildings. These advanced technologies have the power to unearth patterns, correlations, and inefficiencies in energy consumption that would otherwise go unnoticed. ML and AI-driven data analytics offers several transformative benefits:

  1. Real-time Monitoring: AI-powered sensors collect real-time data on energy consumption, enabling instant responses to fluctuations and identifying anomalies.
  2. Predictive Insights: Advanced algorithms can predict energy consumption patterns based on historical data, enabling proactive adjustments to optimize efficiency.
  3. Data-driven Decisions: Data analytics provides actionable insights, empowering building managers to make informed decisions on energy usage strategies.
  4. Efficiency Optimization: ML and AI identifies wasteful consumption, enabling fine-tuning of HVAC systems, lighting, and other energy-intensive processes.

The Role of ML and AI in Energy Optimization

ML and AI-driven data analytics disrupts the conventional methods of energy management. It replaces guesswork with precision, assumptions with data-backed insights, and reactive responses with proactive strategies.

By continuously analyzing data streams, ML and AI identifies inefficiencies, irregularities, and potential areas for improvement. This real-time intelligence enables building operators to tailor energy consumption to actual demand, optimize equipment operation, and minimize energy waste.

Tanand Technology’s ML and AI-driven Data Analytics

Tanand Technology stands at the forefront of this technological revolution, offering ML and AI-driven data analytics solutions specifically designed for energy optimization in commercial buildings. Their platform combines cutting-edge AI algorithms with real-time data collection, enabling precise monitoring and analysis of energy consumption patterns. This synergy translates into tangible benefits for building owners and managers:

  1. Identifying Hidden Inefficiencies: Tanand’s ML and AI uncovers energy consumption patterns that might go unnoticed, identifying areas for improvement.
  2. Precision Optimization: The platform’s AI algorithms fine-tune energy consumption patterns for maximal efficiency.
  3. Cost Savings: By reducing energy waste, Tanand’s solution translates directly into cost savings over the long term.
  4. Sustainability Milestones: Tanand’s ML and AI-driven data analytics are instrumental in achieving sustainability goals and aligning with ESG principles.


ML and AI-driven data analytics has emerged as a transformative force, holding the potential to propel large commercial buildings towards a more sustainable future. By harnessing real-time data and AI algorithms, businesses can optimize energy consumption, reduce waste, and align with environmental goals.

Tanand Technology’s pioneering solutions exemplify the symbiotic relationship between cutting-edge technology and environmental responsibility. As we look ahead, it’s evident that ML and AI-driven data analytics will continue to be a cornerstone in the journey towards transforming commercial buildings into models of environmental efficiency, meeting both present and future challenges head-on.

Discover more about our success stories in driving sustainability and helping clients save up to 30% on energy costs by visiting our website today.

>> Our Success Stories

The Power of ESG: Driving Sustainability in Commercial Buildings


In an era where environmental concerns have taken center stage, the imperative to adopt sustainable practices has become more pressing than ever. Commercial buildings, especially large ones like shopping malls and hotels, wield significant influence over energy consumption and environmental impact.

As the world’s focus shifts towards a greener and more responsible future, the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) have emerged as guiding lights. In this blog post, we delve into the profound influence of ESG on large commercial buildings, exploring the potential for sustainability and the role of innovative companies like Tanand Technology in driving transformative change.

ESG: A New Paradigm for Business

ESG encompasses a trio of vital factors that go beyond mere profitability. Environmental factors address the impact a business has on nature, social factors reflect its engagement with society, and governance speaks to its internal ethics and policies.

The integration of these principles has gained momentum across industries, emphasizing the significance of sustainable and responsible business practices. Commercial buildings, known for their substantial energy consumption and waste generation, find themselves at a critical junction where ESG principles can reshape their impact on the planet.

The Environmental Challenge of Commercial Buildings

Large commercial buildings have a pronounced environmental footprint due to energy-intensive operations, high occupancy rates, and the demand for modern amenities.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, and electronic equipment contribute to substantial energy consumption. The resulting emissions and resource depletion underscore the urgent need for energy optimization and sustainable solutions.

Energy Optimization: A Crucial ESG Strategy

Energy optimization is central to any ESG strategy aimed at transforming commercial buildings into environmentally conscious entities. This involves adopting technologies and practices that:

  • Reduce energy consumption
  • Minimize waste
  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions

By optimizing energy usage, commercial buildings can not only decrease their environmental footprint but also realize significant cost savings over time.

The Role of Tanand Technology: Pioneering Sustainability through Innovation

Tanand Technology, an innovative company at the forefront of HVAC energy optimization solutions. With a focus on leveraging AI-driven data analytics and real-time demand control systems, Tanand Technology offers a unique approach to ESG integration in large commercial buildings.

Our AI-driven technologies are tailored to address the complex energy dynamics of various sectors, including shopping malls, hotels, building maintenance facilities, solar systems, pharmaceutical setups, and energy-intensive food or semiconductor manufacturing sectors.

ESG-aligned Solutions by Tanand Technology

Tanand Technology’s commitment to ESG principles is evident through its suite of solutions:

1. AI-driven Data Analytics:

By harnessing the power of AI, Tanand Technology’s data analytics platform identifies energy inefficiencies and provides actionable insights for optimization. This approach aligns seamlessly with the environmental aspect of ESG.

2. Real-time Demand Control:

The real-time demand control system ensures that energy usage remains aligned with actual demand. This not only reduces energy wastage but also contributes to responsible consumption, addressing the social dimension of ESG.

3. Sector-specific Customization:

Tanand Technology understands that each sector has unique energy consumption patterns. Their solutions are customizable to cater to the specific needs of sectors such as buildings, solar, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor and food manufacturing, demonstrating their commitment to tailored solutions in line with ESG.

ESG and the Path Forward

The adoption of ESG principles in commercial buildings isn’t just about complying with standards; it’s about embracing a new way of doing business. By integrating energy optimization solutions that align with ESG goals, commercial buildings can achieve:

  • Sustainable energy saving
  • Contribute to societal well-being
  • Exhibit responsible governance

Tanand Technology’s role in this journey is pivotal, offering a bridge between cutting-edge technology and environmentally conscious practices.


The power of ESG principles lies in their potential to revolutionize the way we approach business and sustainability. Large commercial buildings, with their significant energy consumption, are ripe for transformation through energy optimization solutions.

Tanand Technology’s innovative AI-driven data analytics and real-time demand control systems embody the essence of ESG, addressing the environmental, social, and governance aspects of sustainability. As the world marches towards a greener future, these solutions offer a beacon of hope, guiding commercial buildings towards a more responsible and sustainable trajectory.

Discover more about our success stories in driving sustainability and helping clients save up to 30% on energy costs by visiting our website today.

>> Our Success Stories


The Role of IoT Technology in Optimizing Facilities Management: Features and Benefits Across Buildings


Facilities management is an essential aspect of any organization, responsible for ensuring that buildings are efficient, sustainable, and safe. A well-managed facility creates a comfortable and secure work environment for employees, which can have a positive impact on productivity and overall business success. As the workplace continues to evolve with new trends and innovative technologies, facilities management has adapted to support these changes.

One technology that has significantly impacted facilities management is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has quickly become a leading solution for improving facilities management and driving business growth. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of using IoT in facility management and how it can help businesses achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings.

The Basics of IoT: What You Need to Know

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects, devices, and machines equipped with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data with other devices over the internet. This technology empowers businesses to gather real-time data on their products, services, and operations, which can then be analyzed to identify patterns, insights, and opportunities for optimization. By leveraging IoT, it is possible to establish connections between devices or systems, simplifying work and adding convenience.

  • Sensors are responsible for collecting data on a range of variables, such as temperature, humidity, and motion.
  • Connectivity allows devices to share data with other devices and central systems.
  • Processing power enables devices to analyze and make sense of the data they collect.

3 Advantages of Adopting IoT for Facilities Management

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, businesses cannot afford to ignore the benefits of IoT technology. The integration of IoT-enabled devices and solutions has revolutionized facilities management across various sectors, from hospitality to aviation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the benefits of integrating IoT technology into your facility’s management solutions and explore how it can improve the overall management process.

  • Real-time data improves efficiency – IoT provides automated data collection, which allows facilities managers to collect relevant data in real time. This information helps to identify and rectify inefficient processes, leading to better capital planning and overall facility management. With real-time data, IoT-enabled building management tools provide added benefits to current maintenance efforts, enhancing their value further.
  • Enhanced building and data security – IoT offers both physical and digital security benefits for businesses. On the physical side, real-time alerts from IoT sensors provide early warnings of potential security threats, such as equipment malfunctions. From a digital standpoint, IoT-enabled smart buildings help protect against cyber-attacks and digital security breaches, safeguarding digital assets.
  • Energy savings through reduced wastage – IoT helps businesses reduce energy wastage, making it an eco-friendly solution for facilities management. Smart sensors provide real-time data insights that help identify areas of energy inefficiency. This data allows facilities managers to make informed decisions that reduce energy wastage, leading to significant financial savings in the long run.


To sum up, incorporation of IoT technology into facilities management solutions can significantly improve the efficiency and streamline the management process of buildings. As IoT technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it is expected to become an essential tool for facilities managers across various industries.

Take a look at our Easi HVAC (HVAC Optimizer) solution to discover its numerous features and benefits.
>> https://www.tanand.com.my/service/easi-hvac-hvac-optimizer/

ESG and Energy Monitoring: A Powerful Pair for a Sustainable Future


Energy management and monitoring refer to the processes and systems used to optimize energy usage in buildings, industries, and more. Real-time monitoring and analysis of energy data can help identify areas of high energy use and potential energy savings opportunities. So, energy management and monitoring are critical components of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives.

In recent years, companies have become increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and are implementing measures to reduce their environmental impact. Investors are increasingly considering ESG factors when making investment decisions, as they recognize the importance of sustainable and responsible business practices. Companies that implement effective energy management and monitoring strategies are more likely to be viewed positively by investors.

Thus, energy management and monitoring play a key role by helping companies:

  • Improve their energy efficiency
  • Reduce their carbon footprint
  • Comply with environmental law

Beyond Sustainability: The Business Benefits of Energy Monitoring

1. Cost savings

Energy management and monitoring can lead to significant cost savings for businesses, as reducing energy consumption can lower utility bills and operational expenses. By optimizing energy use, companies can improve their bottom line while also reducing their environmental impact.

Energy management and monitoring includes activities such as:

  • Tracking energy consumption – identify areas where energy is being wasted, such as equipment that is left on when not in use or inefficient processes 
  • Reducing energy waste –  results in lower emissions 
  • Adapting energy efficiency measures – upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment or implementing renewable energy solutions

The other ways of conducting energy management is by building automation systems to control lighting, HVAC systems and so on. Investing in energy-efficient technologies can reduce energy consumption and lower operational costs in the long run.

By monitoring energy usage, it is possible to project future energy expenses. This can help businesses better plan and budget for energy-related expenses, reducing the likelihood of unexpected expenses and helping to ensure more stable financial performance. Hence, optimizing energy usage can help to save money on energy costs and avoid paying unnecessary fees.

2. Achieve energy efficiency goals

Monitoring energy usage is equally important in achieving energy efficiency goals. Energy efficiency goals typically focus on reducing energy consumption while maintaining productivity and comfort levels. Identifying and collecting data from the energy consumption is crucial to provide vital insight. This information can be used to make adjustments and take corrective action as needed to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its goals. For example, the information can be used as: 

  • Energy benchmarking – that can help managers to compare their energy performance with others and thus make improvement
  • Set realistic energy usage goals based on historical & real-time data
  • Energy efficiency upgrades – identify opportunities to upgrade energy-efficient appliances

Moreover, company can do regular energy monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of their energy efficiency strategies and thus it helps businesses to: 

  • Detect and fix issues with their energy systems- identify patterns and any abnormal spikes or dips in usage
  • Reduce risk associated with energy usage such as electrical fires
  • Save the cost– improve energy utilization which leads to cost-effectiveness

It is challenging to maintain efficiency certifications and targeted goals without ongoing analyses because it misses identification of energy consumption which will lead to energy wastage. Hence, utilizing new intelligence from these deployments can lead to certifying facilities to efficiency standards.

3. Improve ESG reporting

Energy management and monitoring also play a crucial role in ESG reporting. ESG reporting is a process where companies disclose their environmental, social, and governance performance to stakeholders. ESG reporting has become increasingly important, as stakeholders place greater emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility.

Companies that effectively manage their ESG performance can attract socially responsible investors, and enhance their reputation and long-term financial performance. So, meeting ESG metrics can build trust and credibility with stakeholders and contribute to their long-term success.

Energy monitoring also can help organizations demonstrate their progress towards energy efficiency goals and other ESG targets. This includes information such as: 

  • Energy usage
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Other sustainability metrics

4. Comply with environmental regulations

Energy use has a significant impact on the environment including air pollution, water pollution, climate change, and other environmental issues. The importance of energy regulations has grown as the global community has become more aware of the urgent need to address climate change and other environmental issues.

To protect human health, address these impacts and promote more sustainable and equitable energy systems, governments around the world have implemented a range of regulations and policies related to energy use and production. So, energy management and monitoring are critical for adhering to rules. Also, it can help organizations comply with a wide range of environmental regulations and better conserve the resources.

By monitoring energy usage, it can benefit both the company and society because it helps organizations identify and manage environmental risks related to their energy use and associated emissions. Therefore, the companies that with good management of energy usage can ensure they meet these requirements and avoid penalties or fines.


To sum up, effective energy management and monitoring enabled the companies to reduce utility cost, minimize the environmental impact, walk the talk of social responsibility and sustainability, and abide by environmental laws. Investing in energy management and monitoring can be an excellent long-term strategy for businesses looking to enhance their environmental and social impact.

Check out our first ESG project with BVH’s GBI platinum certified building >> https://lnkd.in/gD7GT6Px